Winter Reading Program 2025

Rivers of Change

They say that “you can’t step in the same river twice.” Things are always changing in nature and in life. Water is always moving, looking for the path of least resistance. The Winter Reading Program for 2025 looks forward to the coming spring celebrating the melting snow as it runs into rushing rivers and trickling streams. And celebrating the way we change as people when we interact with the powerful force of moving water.


River of Doubt Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey by Candice Millard

Between 1913-1914 Theodore Roosevelt and his son Kermit explored the River of Doubt, a treacherous tributary of the Amazon River. Facing extreme hardships in one of the wildest jungles on the planet Roosevelt and his team endured extremes and exhilaration on this unbelievable adventure.


The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon by Kevin Fedarko

In the spring of 1983, massive flooding along the length of the Colorado River offered a rare opportunity for an extreme trip; a small wooden boat called the Emerald Mile catapulted into history as it made the fastest run ever recorded through the Grand Canyon.


Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

On a pleasure cruise down the Nile a tiny, round, bullet hole interrupts what seems to be the perfect honeymoon, and not even the great Hercule Poirot can work fast enough to prevent the murderer from striking again.


Tuck Everlasting

The Tuck family unwittingly drink from a spring that condemns them to eternal youth. Although the Tucks guard their secret carefully, a young girl and a conniving stranger stumble upon it. Written in 1975, this novel has become a classic of modern children’s literature beloved by people of all ages. 

Image Description: A blue river runs through the middle of a green and verdant landscape. The sun rises in the distant mountains, reflecting on the water.