Virtual Winter Reading Discussion

Have you been reading our winter reading titles? Please join us for a virtual discussion on March 21st. The discussion will be held on Zoom. Below is the official Zoom invite!

Topic: Winter Reading Book Discussion
Time: Mar 21, 2024 10 a.m. Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 219 763 5183

One tap mobile
+16694449171,,2197635183# US
+16699006833,,2197635183# US (San Jose)

We will discuss all six books during the two hour meeting. Attending the meeting is voluntary, everybody that has registered for the winter reading program will receive the memento.

Image Description: A cartoon of an open laptop on a desk with a grid of faces in a Zoom meeting. Also on the desk is a cup of coffee to the left and stack of books and desk lamp on the right.