Many of you know about our in-house audio recording program. Did you know this program relies on volunteers? Many people have lent their vocal talent to read books for the blind and print disabled over the years. We currently have seven volunteers and two will be joining us in the upcoming weeks. So far this year our volunteers have provided an estimated 160 hours of service and have helped to increase our recording capacity to close to pre 2020 levels. We truly couldn’t do this work without our dedicated volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Jason Powers: [email protected]. We are in need of readers who are fluent in Spanish and other languages.
Last year we also received thirteen cash donations. We don’t actively ask for these donations, but we are always grateful to receive them! Many people donate in memory of a loved one who valued our service. This heart felt gesture helps us continue to provide that service to others in need. Thank you to all our donors!
Image Description: A simple cursive thank you in black against a white back ground.